Buchalter is pleased to announce that JD Supra 2019’s Readers’ Choice Awards recently acknowledged the following Buchalter attorneys for their visibility and thought leadership in products liability, employer liability issues, and healthcare.
Top Author: Anne Marie Ellis, Products Liability
Top Read Article: Healthcare Client Alert: California Supreme Court's Dynamex Decision Alters Independent Contractor Landscape, Employer Liability Issues and Healthcare, authored by Robert S. Cooper and Carol K. Lucas
JD Supra editors chose the main topics covered in this year’s Readers’ Choice Awards for their timeliness as well as their proven, ongoing importance. In each category, JD Supra recognized ten authors and one firm for consistently highest readership and engagement within that category for all of 2018. In total, across all categories, JD Supra recognized the excellence and achievement of authors selected from over 50,000 who publish their excellent work on our platform.
About JD Supra
JD Supra delivers need-to-know legal and business content to professionals in all industries in daily email digests, via more than 100 proprietary social feeds, on mobile platforms, to partner websites, and as news across the web. Through the innovative use of technology and curated audiences, JD Supra connects over 50,000 professionals writing on important topics to C-suite executives, in-house counsel, and media members concerned with matters influencing business today. For more information, visit jdsupra.com.