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Buchalter Attorneys, Presenters at Sports & Fitness Industry Association

  • Oct 14th, 2021

  • 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Buchalter Attorneys, Anne Marie Ellis and Grant Voss present on the topic “Conducting Business in California: Privacy Requirements, Wearables and the Future of Laws,” at the Sports & Fitness Industry Association.

The goal of this webinar is to teach the audience three things. First, to inform the audience of privacy requirements, and how to avoid potential pitfalls, when conducting business in California. Second, is to clarify how California privacy laws apply to wearables in particular, as well as discuss some actions the California Attorney General has already taken. Third, is to explain where privacy laws are headed in light of the California Privacy Rights Act, Virginia’s Consumer Data Privacy Act, and Colorado Privacy act all taking effect in 2023.