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Jason Goldstein and John Hosack, Presenters at Orange County Bar Association

  • Feb 16th, 2022

  • 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Jason Goldstein and John Hosack will discuss “Mastering Title Insurance: From the Escrow to the Title Claim,” at the Orange County Bar Association’s Insurance Law Section Webinar on February 16, 2022.

It is difficult to imagine a substantial real estate transaction which does not result in the issuance of a title insurance policy. However, the reasonable expectations of the insured with respect to what the title insurance policy actually covers is generally in conflict with the bad faith position taken by some title insurers. The presenters of this program, John L. Hosack (author of the first book on title insurance) and Jason E. Goldstein, have worked together at Buchalter for almost two decades representing insureds under title policies. Please attend this MCLE and master title insurance: from the escrow to the title claim.