If you are looking for a challenge, forget about climbing Mt. Everest. Instead, try to figure out when a creditor must require the borrower to obtain flood insurance on a building or its contents and, if so, the amount of coverage it must require!
In this complimentary, one-hour webinar, Buchalter will explain the basics of the flood insurance regulations, making these determinations far less challenging. We will also discuss accepting private flood insurance policies, the escrow provisions and force placing flood insurance coverage, as much as time permits.
All creditors are welcome.
CLE Credit. This program has been approved for one (1) hour of General CLE credit in California and Arizona.
CRCM Credit. ABA Professional Certifications is dedicated to promoting the highest standards of performance and ethics within the financial services industry. “What the Flood?!?!: The Flood Insurance Regulations Explained” has been approved for 1.25 CRCM credits. This statement is not an endorsement of this program or its sponsor. Certified professionals will report these credits at aba.csod.com.